I climbed through it and entered the house.

When I went around the back, I saw there was a window that wasn’t boarded up. Next to the door was a sign that said “quarentine! no enter pls!” I wondered if there would be a badge in there (if you don’t know what a badge is, it is an achievement you can get in a roblox game). I decided that before I do that, I should look around spawn a bit.

There were other people on the server, walking down the path. The trees all said “spoooky treee” on them. I was on a concrete path with trees on the side. Pls wait.” I waited patiently as the game loaded up. When I loaded up the game, it said “loading the scareees. I like jokes and meme, so I decided to click play. It was called “a roblox horor gaem!!!” I checked the description, and it said it was “a parody of horror games,” so I assumed it was a joke game. I didn’t spell the title wrong, the game did. I clicked on the link, then saw why I couldn’t find it. I said “thanks” and “goodbye,” then hung up on the voice call. He said “ok,” then typed the link in chat. I checked my spelling, and it was correct. “You probably spelled it wrong,” he replied. Who names their horror game “A Roblox Horror Game?” Still, I decided to search for it. The title didn’t make it sound any matter. If this one was better than the ones I’ve played, why haven’t I heard up it until now?

I was pretty sure I’ve played all the good roblox horror games. To be honest, the game didn’t sound that good. “It’s called ‘A Roblox Horror Game,’” he said, “It’s the best game I’ve ever played!’ “What is it called?” I asked, happy that my boredom will soon go away. He told me there was this game that I had to play. I told him my problem and asked if he knew of any good games. I scrolled through the front page, wondering what happened to all the good games? I was spending my free time play my favorite video game, Roblox.